Benevolence Assistance
The Benevolence Ministry of Willow Grove Baptist Church is committed to being good stewards of God’s money and his people. This form helps us better understand your situation and better assess our resources for any possible assistance. Completing this application does not guarantee that assistance will be provided. Our decisions are made in accordance with the mandates of Scripture and the leading of the Holy Spirit. We are concerned about your spiritual needs as well as your physical needs.
The primary objective of the benevolence ministry is to assist Foster/Adoptive Parents and those in emergency need of assistance.
No benevolence is ever administered to relieve the consequence of sin.
All benevolence is given to assist the recipient to help himself/herself work through the problem, not to bail them out of the situation with no effort on their part.
We encourage all applicants to shop for cheaper cell phone or internet plans, take advantage of heating assistance programs, as well as reach out to schools for assistance when children are involved.
All benevolence checks will be made payable to the debtor in cases of bills (i.e. water, electric co.) and only in rare circumstances to the recipient of the financial aid. We do not give cash or gift cards.
All benevolence requests for housing/renting assistance will be encouraged to contact Hope & Help Network by phone (215) 301-1436 or by email marian@thehopeandhelpnetwork.org.
Benevolence requests are limited to within a 15-mile radius of the Church address.
Requests for benevolence require review by the benevolence team, which NORMALLY TAKES UP TO FOURTEEN (14) DAYS. WE WILL CONTACT THE APPLICANT WHEN THE TEAM HAS REACHED A DECISION.
Every case is CONFIDENTIAL. Violating confidentiality may result in disqualification of any request submitted, either currently being considered or in the future.
Proof of identification is required.
Current copies of bills must accompany the request in order to be able to pay the debtor.
ALL QUESTIONS on the application form MUST BE COMPLETED, or the form will be returned to the applicant for completion before we will process the request.